Asus Laptop Body Replacement: Essential Information

Asus is a name that needs no introduction when we talk about laptops with the most durability, high-performance, and aesthetically pleasing designs. But like everything, they too can be damaged over time as well. After a period of time, the body of your Asus laptop may wear out due to abrasion. Damage to the laptop body is one of the most common issues users face. A laptop body can become damaged for all sorts of reasons, whether it’s accidental drop or scratch, through general wear and tear after years of continuous use. In that case, the Asus laptop body replacement is very important to give longevity with good looks to your Laptop. In this guide, we talk about when and why you might need a body replacement and the benefits of doing it at an Asus service center.

When to Replace Your Asus Laptop Body:

  • Physical Damage: Cracks, dents, or any other sort of damage occurring to the body of your laptop could not only affect how it looks but more importantly ruin its functionality. While a replacement would return it to its original appearance.
  • Hinges and Port Issues: If the hinges are loose and damaged or if ports do not line up due to structural damage then replacing the body will make your laptop easier and more functional.
  • Appearance: As you can see, scuffs and discoloration over the years due to natural wear will lend your laptop an aged appearance. All you have to do is give it a new body and poof; its brand vitality will shine like the day of launch.
  • Alignment Issue: When the laptop doesn’t close correctly, or you start seeing gaps between certain parts of the body this is a clear indication that its structure has been compromised.

Asus Support and Costing:

The body replacement support is also very strong in the case of Asus through its authorized service centers. The trained professionals in these centers use original Asus parts, and your laptop is sure to have its quality durability back.

The price of body replacement may vary, depending on the model and level of damage to your laptop. Replacing a simple piece like the top cover will be much cheaper than swapping an entire body. The cost on average ranges from INR 3,000 to INR 8,000 inclusive of parts and labor.

Body Replacement Overview:

You can replace the body of your Asus laptop by yourself or you can approach Asus Service Center. If you have the technical skill, tools, and experience then do it yourself to save on viewing costs. That said, make sure to adhere to very precise instructions and use genuine Asus parts (or certified alternatives) as you could damage your machine or void the warranty. Although, we recommend most users to solicit the help of an Asus-authorized service center. Those centers have properly trained technicians who are competent to replace the same accurately with genuine parts, so all this not only retains its value but also secures warranty.


The most essential practice to care for your Asus laptop is, to rebuild and replace its body. The replacement can be carried out by yourself or you may take it to an Asus service center. This way, you can ensure that your laptop fairs well in terms of functionality and appearance by taking it to Asus authorized service centers. Purchasing a replacement body is an investment in keeping your device working and safe to continue serving you in the future.


How can I upgrade my old Asus laptop looks?

Yes you can, scuffs and discoloration over the years due to natural wear will lend your laptop an aged appearance. All you have to do is give it a new body and poof; its brand vitality will shine like the day of launch.

What is the cost of a replacement for an Asus laptop body?

The price of body replacement may vary, depending on the model and level of damage to your laptop. Replacing a simple piece like the top cover will be much cheaper than swapping an entire body. The cost on average ranges from INR 3,000 to INR 8,000 inclusive of parts and labor.

Is it possible to change the laptop body at home?

You can replace the body of your Asus laptop by yourself or you can approach Asus Service Center. If you have the technical skill, tools, and experience then do it yourself to save on viewing costs.

What is the benefit of going to an Asus service center for laptop body replacement?

The body replacement support is also very strong in the case of Asus through its authorized service centers. The trained professionals in these centers use original Asus parts, and your laptop is sure to have its quality durability back.